Sunday, February 3, 2013

Diet Update

It has been about a month since I have "revamped" my diet, so to speak.  I just wanted to jot down a few thoughts.

Some thoughts:
  • Coffee.  During the week, I rarely even think about it.  I tend to have a tall glass of water and small glass of pure orange juice instead.  I am busy getting ready for the day, so there is not much time to think about what I am missing.  On the weekends, it is an entirely different story.  Especially with the temperatures below zero, a warm cup of jo is so appealing!  Jeret tends to sleep in (not late but later than me) and I miss lounging around, catching up on blogs, pinterest and new recipes while sipping some hot coffee with cream.  I'm over the caffeine addiction.  I did have headaches the first week or two but then they were gone.  It's just the pure taste of coffee that I miss.  I wish coffee was naturally decaffeinated.  
  • Sugar.  I have made huge strides on the sugar intake but I have not given it up completely.  I have made a few healthier options to desserts, but all still had sugar in them of some sort: honey, maple syrup, agave, ect.  With that being said, I am so glad that I am not stopping at the gas station for an apple fritter or eating the cookies at work anymore.  That was terrible for me!  
  • White flour.  Now, this I don't really miss.  I have been pretty strict with this one.  I have had a few cheats (ie half a pretzel roll with my turkey sandwich for lunch today) and pizza when my husband makes dinner.  You just can't say no to my husbands pizza from scratch.  It is that good!   I have pretty much given given up gluten except for breakfast.  I have 1 piece of Ezekiel 4:9 bread toasted with almond butter and my ground seeds for the day.  It is the easiest way to eat those darn ground flax/pumpkin seeds.  And the seeds/sprouts that make up that bread doesn't seem to bother my digestive track.  
  • Processed Foods.  I am so glad that I have made this a goal and that I am more mindful.  My acupuncturist asks me a lot of questions at the beginning of our meetings about how I feel and any ailments that I have had this past week.  And I honestly can say that I have had high energy, sleeping well, no acne and overall pretty darn good mood because of the diet changes alone.  
  • Exercise.  I still have improvements to make in this arena but I am making an effort to exercise at least 3 x per week.  But boy am I looking forward to spring and getting outside to walk/run!
  • And I have lost a few pounds.  Definitely not the goal, but much welcomed. :)

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