23 Weeks!
On July 3rd, 2013 I am officially 5 months pregnant and starting the 6th month! Holy Cow!!
We celebrated the 3rd with fireworks in Madison. Rhythms and Booms is a wonderful show put on by the city. I feel so lucky to live in a city with wonderful events to enjoy. Jeret and I have been coming up to these fire works (hit and miss) for at least 12 years. It is a fun tradition.
We also worked on our first official baby project: the closet organizer from the container store. It was surprisingly easy to install and I am SO glad we did not pay the extra 300 bones for someone else to install it. I am looking forward to installing the chair rail and getting the room painted. We have also started researching cribs. Hoping to buy one in the next month or so. So many BIG purchases coming up: crib, stroller, car seat!
My mom, lyd and I at the farmers market downtown. We totally got there at the primetime so it was packed! But so fun none the less! This photo is crazy how big my belly looks!
Dad, Mom and Lyd
Me and my main squeeze. And, no we did not plan on matching we just do that sometimes.
Baby is the size of a grapefruit!
Due Date: November 3rd, 2013 still. 4 months left to go!
Boy or Girl: Boy all the way
Currently Avoiding: I think it is safe to say that I am not avoiding anything at this point. All food sounds good!
Weight: Oh man, I bet this number is rising exponentially! I'm slightly afraid to get on the scale. We have an appointment on Friday as the truth will be told then!
Belly Button Status: In for sure
Sleep: Sleeping really well. We had such a busy weekend that I went to bed too late many nights, but I slept until 9am (wowzer) today so I definitely made up for it!
Recent vivid dreams: Lots and lots of dreams but non baby related
Evidence of Pregnancy Brain: I can't remember...
Symptoms: I have not really had any bizarre symptoms this week. Just mild nausea if I get too hungry. I did have a little bit of a back ache yesterday morning but I think that was from all of the activities and exercise this weekend. My mom was visiting so that always entails a lot of exercising. We went for a really long (5 mile) trail walk and did some laps at the pool this weekend!
Health: I am feeling baby move around so much more! I love it! It is slightly ackward when I am in a conversation with someone because right when I feel a little kick it makes me smile immediately.
Movement: See above. Feeling movement at least once a day. Somedays more often than others.
Baby Related Purchases: We bought the closet organizer from the container store. I was also able to do some registering with my mom. I have just been busy researching all kinds of goodies: crib, stroller, car seat, monitors. Of course I don't need top of the line, but I do want something that is safe and good quality. After all, we do want to have more than one baby and I'd like stuff that we could use for a long time.
Best Part of this Pregnancy: Feeling awesome in this 2nd trimester. My energy is high and everything is feeling more real each day.