How the heck is time flying by so quick?? I can't believe in a few short weeks I will be starting my third trimester! So exciting!
I am almost (10 days away) from 6 months pregnant! |
We got to celebrate Jeret's 26th Birthday. I love this man to the moon and back. |
Helllllo belly! This was taken a few days past 25 weeks. |
Taken on Jeret's Birthday, July 13th. 24 Weeks. |
My husband chose to do yard work on his birthday! Crazy man! I had to sneak a photo to document. I knew if he saw me with my phone he would hide and say, "Your not going to post that, are you?" Ha
Due Date: November 3rd, 2013 still. Almost 3 months left to go!
Currently Avoiding: Hmmm... not much!
Weight: At my doctor's visit last week, I am up 12 lbs! She was pleased and said I was right on track.
Belly Button Status: In for sure, but looking a lot more shallow.
Sleep: Pretty good. I am getting used to waking up a few times a night to go to the bathroom. Last night I noticed I was waking up because my hip was sore (the hip that I was laying on while on my side)
Recent vivid dreams: Lots and lots of dreams
Evidence of Pregnancy Brain: I can't remember...
Symptoms: Just noticing my appetite pick up! I am so hungry all of the time. I seriously make my food choices not by what sounds good but more like what will keep me full the longest?
Health: Everything checked out great at the doctors office. Baby's heartbeat was 131 beats per minute and my tummy was measuring right on track at 23 cm
Movement: Officially feeling movement everyday! I love it! This morning while I was eating my cereal I could see my belly moving from the little kicks and punches. It is such an awesome feeling. It brings a smile to my face no matter what mood I am in!
Baby Related Purchases: Still just doing a lot of research. I did start sanding the dresser that we are refinishing for the nursery. I hope to try to make one big purchase per month until baby comes: ie crib, stroller and car seat. Oh and breast pump. Man those babies are expensive!
Best Part of this Pregnancy: Feeling my little guy move :)
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