Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Test Results

Yesterday I received a phone call from the nurse at the OBGYN office.  My test results were finally in! I had been checking my online "chart" at least three times a day daily to see if they were updated.  The Thyroid and Prolactin scores were in within a few days because they were done in town.  But the Testosterone, DHE A- Serum and Progesterone were sent to Mayo clinic in Rochester to be read.

DHEA- Is the principal human c-19 steroid.  It has to do with androgens and estrogens in our body.  Adrenal gland function? Acceptable range: less than 13.  My score:  8.8

17-Hydroxyprogesterone- Checks for CAH- congenital adrenal hyperplasia.  Acceptable range: less than 80.  My score:  Less than 40.

Testosterone:  Checking for PCOS.  Acceptable range: 6-80.  My score:  24.

Prolactin:  Pituitary gland function.  Acceptable range:  3-23.  My score: 12.5

TSH Sensitive:  Thyroid function.  Acceptable range:  .5 - 6.  My score: .98

I'm not sure what to think about the scores.  If they had found something, at least I would have a reason for my irregularity.  Trying to not worry about it.  I would like to see how long this cycle lasts by charting my BBT.  This will also help me to find out if I am ovulating.  Today is only day 16, so I would like to give it at least 35 days to see if I ovulate.  If not, then we will probably try a dose of Clomid.  I am interested to find out what my Acupuncturist thinks of the scores and Clomid.

Indulging in some M & M's.  Shame on me!  You can even see Milo in action with his ball on the right hand side of the photo.  

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